A normal Enemy Territory campaign looks like this hhbotmulti063.pk3 and normally it can be found in your etmain directory once it has been downloaded from the game server. These files normally contain a single uncompressed campaign file, as you can only have ten (10) maps in a single campaign file you can add as many *.campaign files as you like to the campaign.pk3 file. This *.campaign file is a text file containing the following :- |
{ name "hhbotmulti063" shortname "hhbotmulti063" description "hhbotmulti063**1. baserace_desert*2. rommel_final_1107*3. fr_summer_b3*4. battery*5. rhine_bridge3 *6. mp_assault_rc1*7. transmitter*8. SuperGoldrush_Final*9. cortex_who*10. raw_final" maps "baserace_desert;rommel_final;fr_summer_b3;battery;rhine_bridge3;mp_assault_rc1; transmitter;SuperGoldrush_Final;cortex_who;raw_final" mapTC 374 374 type "wolfmp" } |